The PETA International Science Consortium and Epithelix invite you to apply to win MucilAirTM or SmallAirTM three-dimensional reconstructed human respiratory tissues from Epithelix. Epithelix’s human cell-based tissue models mimic different regions of the respiratory tract and can be used for testing cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, medical device extracts, industrial chemicals, pesticides, and household products.
The award winner will be selected based on their proposal’s scientific merit and potential to replace animal testing, and will receive a $5,000 award redeemable for Epithelix MucilAirTM or SmallAirTM tissues (at standard commercial prices). Researchers from any sector (e.g., industry, academia, government) are encouraged to apply, and this opportunity is open to applicants worldwide. For a flyer about the award, click here.
The award winner will be selected based on their proposal’s scientific merit and potential to replace animal testing, and will receive a $5,000 award redeemable for Epithelix MucilAirTM or SmallAirTM tissues (at standard commercial prices). Researchers from any sector (e.g., industry, academia, government) are encouraged to apply, and this opportunity is open to applicants worldwide. For a flyer about the award, click here.